Example 5
Pagination with Sorting

| Search | Game Stats | Rating Distribution | User Ratings |
Name: Gloomhaven Categories: Strategy, Thematic Weight: 3.9/5 Rating: 8.7/10
Year: 2017 Designers: Isaac Childres


Username contains:  


  Rating Date* Username  
  9/10 25/12/2021 King_Salmon  
  8.5/10 25/12/2021 YoussefBM  
  10/10 25/12/2021 Xarxas  
  9/10 25/12/2021 Amos3v1  
  9/10 24/12/2021 Netherium  
  7/10 24/12/2021 Matze_MD  
  10/10 24/12/2021 jmcclear  
  8/10 24/12/2021 Prushin  
  10/10 24/12/2021 ScotMartin  
  9/10 23/12/2021 tomatojim  
  9.5/10 23/12/2021 Kinksta88  
  10/10 23/12/2021 frisbeetarian  
  8/10 23/12/2021 Emplumaitor  
  9.5/10 23/12/2021 RyoKanzaki  
  10/10 22/12/2021 Luth70  

*Record dates are fake for demonstration purposes

User Ratings page of 3126
Games record of 21578